Hacker: OpenSea is Adding Solana NFTs and Phantom Wallet Support

Hacked screenshots from Jane Manchun Wong suggest OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace, is adding support for Solana NFTs and the Phantom wallet. Jane Manchun Wong, a hacker famous for leaking unreleased software features, found the Solana integrations while reverse-engineering the OpenSea website.

Source: @wongmjane
Source: @wongmjane

One screenshot shows Solana listed among three currently supported blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon, and Klaytn. The other shows the Phantom wallet listed among currently supported crypto wallets.

OpenSea said this Solana integration was "old speculation" and that the company prefers to announce its new features and integrations using official channels.

Jane Manchun Wong mentioned to Decrypt that "there were other references outside of mentions within the user interface" to the unreleased Solana NFT and Phantom wallet integrations. She also said that OpenSea put effort into hiding these details.

Source: @bhaleyart

This isn't the first time someone leaked an OpenSea screenshot showing a Solana integration on Twitter. In November, 2021, Twitter user B.Haley leaked a screenshot similar to Wong's, showing Solana listed among currently supported blockchains.

Leaked product features and integrations are becoming a pattern in crypto. In September 2021, Twitter’s Bitcoin integration was leaked by Alessandro Paluzzi using, of course, Twitter. That particular leak was later confirmed when Twitter rolled out Bitcoin tipping.